Precipitous (Fast) Labour
Everyone likes to tell you how loooooong their labours were… but what happens if birth develops quite rapidly for you?
We have written this blog post to help you understand what your options are if labour is happening rapidly!

Pregnancy and Labour: 5 tips for a great birth
A great birth can mean different things for many different people but there are 5 things that you can do to ensure positive path towards your dreamy birth!

The Power of HUG!
Oxyocin is fuel to labour and your surges/contractions … so it’s no surprise that a hug with a loved one can make labour shorter, is it?

The Dudes Behind your Estimated Due Date
Estimated due date, their accuracy and the dudes who created them. Pregnancy shouldn’t have an expiry date.

Constipation in pregnancy?!
Not exactly the most glamorous pregnancy symptom around! Here’s all you need to know about constipation in pregnancy.