Avoiding interventions in labour
Let’s face it, the majority of us are looking for an intervention free vaginal birth, right?
When we first started out as doulas, many moons ago, we used to say that the first intervention in labour is when you walk out of your house.
This then evolved to “the first intervention in labour is believing your due date”…. but we now think the issue is a lot more complex than these 2 things.
Your life pre-pregnancy is important!
Our whole lives up until the point we get pregnant, we consume pretty shite and innacurate information abour pregnancy and birth.
We are constantly told to hide our periods, not touch our vaginas, cover up, not speak up, be pleasant and smile more.
You then get pregnant… HOORAY!
And your brain, who has been consuming the information that birth in dangerous, that you should be compliant, not “cause a scene” and always be a GOOD GIRL, reminds you of aaaaaall that information.
So that’s what you do… because you know… the brain genuinely believes that this will help keep you safe.
Leading you to not trust your body or instincts…
That’s problematic AF…
Without unconditional trust in your ability to not only grow, nurture and birth your baby, but also your ability to listen to your intuition, we are left with fear and doubt.
We often refer to this as an emotional road block.
Building a positive mindset
Before you resolve your emotional road blocks, limiting thoughts and/pr any previous trauma, you cannot build a positive mindset for birth.
It would be like building a house on wobbly foundations.
So here it is… simple but true.
The number one thing you need to avoid interventions in labour is TRUST.
Unconditional trust. In yourself, your body, your baby.
New Birth Club can help you build that trust. Visit the website to find out more about our Birth Services!