Is home birth safe?
If you’re pregnant and wondering if home birth is a safe option, then read on…
It’s worth noting that home birth isn’t for everyone, and that is totally fine! You should give birth where you feel most comfortable!
What studies have shown is that home birth can:
Reduce the risk of unplanned caesareans by 40%
Reduce your chance of developing an infection by 75%
Episio-NO-tomy. 55% less chance to have an episiotomy
Want more?
The majority of studies went on to show NO increase in neonatal morbidity and mortality for planned home births and state that maternal outcomes are CONSISTENTLY better for home birth (including less interventions and complications).
When your care givers talk to you about risk, remember to flip the language. Ask them what are the chances of that thing NOT happening.
New Birth Club is here for you and with you. Get in touch today and let’s start planning for your positive birthing experience.