Am I going to instantly love my newborn?

The million dollar question!

Sometimes it can feel like an enormous amount of pressure to LOVE your new baby from the moment you set your eyes on them.

For some people this is true and they will feel this way, whilst for others it take some time before they can describe their feelings as love….. and guess what?


We all have different journeys to parenthood. Some of us have been waiting for years to have the opportunity to hold our babies, others have had multiple losses, experienced unwanted/unplanned pregnancies and then you have the lucky ones who wanted to get pregnant and got what they wanted straight away.

All of the above people will then go through different pregnancies and different birth experiences…. so how on Earth are we all expected to feel the same way about our babies?

It’s unrealistic and just unfair to put that on parents.

Of course if you feel like you are struggling to bond with your baby, you should reach out for help. This shouldn’t be taboo!

Equally, if you look at your baby as soon as they are born and you don’t hear angels singing and dancing around you, YOU ARE TOTES NORMAL!

Are you worried about how you are going to feel about your baby after they are born?

If you feel like you would like personalised supporting in pregnancy and beyond, let’s chat about out in person or remote support packages! Click here to find out more!


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