Dolphin Assisted Births

Wait, wait wait… WHAT?

Yep, you did read that right… there’s just about a research for everything, isn’t there?

Dolphin assisted births are a thing!

It’s no secret that dolphins are highly intelligent and compassionate creatures, but how did dolphins come to support those who were labouring in water?

It all started in 1979 with a Russian dude who was a midwife, Igor Charkovsky.

Igor was studying underwater births in Israel when the preggo and labouring mama was approached by 3 dolphins.

It is believed that whilst using their sonars in order to scan and measure the mother’s body, they helped relax her. She went on to birth her baby without complications and appaz not feeling any discomfort!

Water births are amazing and very supportive of physiology - but living in Bristol, we think we would opt for a bath or birth pool instead!

What do you think?

Did you know that New Birth Club hire Birth Pools out to preggos? CHECK OUT NBC’S POOLS HERE!


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