The Dudes Behind your Estimated Due Date

Once upon a time (1744 to be exact) there was dude called Hermann Boerhaave.

This Dutch dude studied a whopping 100 women and said that if you add 7 days to the date of your last period, you should get an estimated date for when labour will happen.

But good ol’ Herms left one question unanswered…. he didn’t tell us if that was 7 days from the first day of the period or the last day.

A bromance then brewed…

Another dude with a fancy name (Franz Naegele), who happened to be a physician, created a calculation method based on Herm’s theory. This happened in the 18th century and you may be surprised to find out that this is the calculation STILL used by the majority of health care providers.

But once again, a dude was trying to mansplain periods to women… Franz assumed that we all have a 28 day cycle!!!!

This is why we only see 4% of abbies being born on their due dates!

As a matter of fact, youyou are more likely to go over 41 weeks if it’s your first baby.

Instead of giving yourself a due date, remember that the World Health Organisation considers 37-42 weeks to be a normal gestational period.

You have got this - and if we can make you one promise, it’s this one:



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