What to expect from your first midwife appointment?
Soooo you peed on a stick and now what?!
If you are using the NHS maternity services, you will be offered a ‘Booking’ appointment with your community midwife. This would ideally happen before you are 10 weeks pregnant, but it’s no deal breaker if it’s a little later!
This first appointment usually takes place at your local GP surgery but it can also be at:
your home
a hospital
a Children’s Centre
This is the longest appointment you will have your midwife. They usually take around 1 hr if it’s a straightforward pregnancy but can take longer if you have extra needs too.
We know people can worry about what they might be asked and if they will know the answers, so we have made a little list to give you an idea of what you might be asked:
Where you live and who lives with you
They may want more information about the baby’s other parent
You may be asked if you’ve been pregnant before and if you have any other living children
You will be asked about your smoking, drinking (alcohol) and drug use
They may ask about your past and current mental and physical health as well as any treatments you may have had in the past
You will be asked about your family’s health (this is often to spot if there could be need for further tests or concerns)
You will be asked about domestic abuse
You may be queried about female genital mutilation (FGM)
They may ask about your job, if you have one
You may also be asked about your support group
You will be asked where you are planning on having your baby
Whilst at this appointment, you may be offered the following tests (they are all optional):
Calculation of your BMI using your height and weight
Measuring your blood pressure
Urine dip test
Blood test (full blood count as well as HIV, syphilis or hepatitis B
We think it’s important to know that, in the United Kingdom, maternity care is optional. You can accept all, some or none of the above!
Here at New Birth Club, we are experts at providing remote support to our Pocket Doula clients. If you would like have support navigating the maternity services system and your pregnancy, drop us a line on hello@newbirthclub.com or click HERE.
We are here for you and with you!