Trust: Is yours in the right place?

We pee on a stick, we get a positive test and then automatically hand our care over to medical care givers.

We are not saying we shouldn’t do this but we do think it’s wise to at the very least question why we think someone else may be the #1 expert in our very own bodies - don’t you?

Are we really trusting an underfunded, over worked and severely under staffed service over our ability to grow, nurture and birth our babies?

We know first hand that complicated gestations can exist, but do you understand the ‘high risk’ label that you have been given? Do YOU think it’s high?

I know these seem like pretty big questions but as soon as we ask more questions and dig a little deeper we get clarity… and eventually, we find TRUST!

Whether that is trust on the service that is being provided to you or trust that you, your body and your baby can absolutely do this without carrying a high risk label attached to you!

As experienced doulas and birth trauma practitioners, we are here to listen and sign post if you need any help! So go on, book that Hour of Power and let’s chat about what’s been going on for you!


Stop believing your bullshit Due Date


Zwischen: The last few days just before you meet your baby