Pregnancy and Labour: 5 tips for a great birth

We have good news!

Birth can be quite simple for the vast majority of us!

There are a few things that will help you overcome the (often) inevitable barriers imposed by your local trust… so here are some of them:

  • Work on trusting on your body

    You have the inner wisdom of a Cheetah

    Birthing can be instinctive and just another physiological process of your body… but you have to trust that this can be your reality.

    You also have to trust that your intuition and instincts will tell you if something isn’t quite right

  • Make NO compromises

    It’s your party! You call the shots.

    The term “shared decision making” is S H I T E!

    You make YOUR decisions. It’s your birth, YOUR WAY!

  • Your birth team. Have they REALLY got your back?

    Because if they don’t, they should consider getting out of the way.

    We don’t say this lightly. A less than perfect birth partner can actually cause a lot of issues during your labour

  • Estimated Due Dates…. BORING!

    Your estimated due date doesn’t mean anything.

    You aren’t in labour because your baby isn’t ready to be born. THE END.

    Forget about any made up dates you’ve been given.

  • Question everything

    Got told you’re high risk? Ask why. Ask how high the risk is and how that compares to others.

    Got told you can’t birth at home? Ask if they are implying you haven’t got mental capacity to make informed decisions about your birthing day?

    Too fat to use a birth pool? Ask them to see the evidence and ask them if they are happy to write down that you’re being discriminated against.

    Your days of being a good girl are over!

    Be curious and powerful instead!

    New Birth Club is here to help you! Reach out to chat about your needs and let’s build a plan towards your great birth!


Pregnancy & Birth: 4 amazing things your baby does before being born


Pregnancy: What happens if your waters break before labour starts?