Pregnancy & Birth: 4 amazing things your baby does before being born

We are so focussed nowadays on what could possibly go wrong that we have lost sight on how mother nature has got our backs!

Here are 4 things your baby does in the weeks and days before they are born:

  1. Practice Breathing:

    Your baby will increase their practice towards the end to really make sure they’ve got that shiiiiii down!

    Your babe practices by inhaling in amniotic fluid & exhaling it back out!

    You can actually see this process on ultrasound!

    How cool is that?

  2. Packs a packed lunch

    Your baby’s glycogen storage (extra fat layers) will increase so that they’ve got plenty of snacks for the journey of labour & to see them through the first couple days earthside3 where they have to actually work for their food!

    Yep they getting those snacks ready!

    And believe us, their love of snacks will not stop throughout infancy, toddlerhood & beyond!

  3. Production of Cortisol

    “Wait! I thought Cortisol was bad?” we hear you cry! Not in this case, cortisol actually helps your baby’s organs to mature quicker so them lungs are4 good & ready to take on earth air when they arrive.

    This is happening in the very final days of pregnancy (like probably the final 24hrs before birth)

  4. Brain Changes

    Your baby’s brain will literally make some physiological changes to prepare them for the journey of labour & specifically to help them deal with the restriction of oxygen during contractions.

    Mother Nature really has thought of everything…. but they can only do all of this cool, mind-blowing shiz if given the opportunity to do so!!

    Any benefits of ending your pregnancy before baby starts the process, need to be weighed up against the RISKS of depriving your baby of these opportunities.

If you are considering an induction of labour, remember to check out our Induction of Labour workshop!


Precipitous (Fast) Labour


Pregnancy and Labour: 5 tips for a great birth