How often will my baby breastfeed?

Let’s talk about some stuff that is worth knowing about breastfeeding.

  • Number 1: You do not need to space feeds!

It’s a common misconception that babies feed every 2-3 hours. Some babies might… and others won’t. This is based on outdated social normal formulated by past generation and is more applicable to formula fed babies

  • Number 2: You should not compare your breastfed baby’s habits with a formula fed baby’s habits.

    The two foods are completely different and a breastfed baby won’t just feed for hunger.

    Breastfeeding also helps with thirst, development, soothing the nervous system, closeness, pain relief…. the list could really go on….

  • Number 3: Your baby is an individual, with individual needs

    Guidelines state that your breastfed baby will feed between 8-12 times in a 24hr period. Whilst 8 feed should be treated as a minimum, 12 feed should NOT be considered the maximum a baby should feed during that period of time


    We make no excuses for putting that in caps!

    “Surely they can’t be hungry again”… says auntie Karen, as she grabs her 4th biscuit and second cup of tea…..

  • Number 5: Don’t base your concerns over whether baby is “getting enough” solely on how frequently they are feeding.

    Look at the bigger picture!

    -How many wet and dirty nappies are they having?

    -Does baby seem satisfied after a feed?

    -Is baby gaining weight?

    -How does feeding feel?

If you are preparing to breastfeed or are navigating the start of your journey, New Birth Club can help!

Get in touch today and let’s make sure your journey is a smooth one!


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