What to expect from your first midwife appointment?

You peed on a stick and now what?

It always seem a bit surreal to be making a booking in appointment with the midwife, doesn’t it?

So here’s what you can expect from your first encounter with your midwifery team:

  • These usually take place at your local GP surgery but can also be at your home, hospital or a children’s centre

  • This is your longest appointment and can take around an hour or more. All appointments following this will probably be between 10-20 minutes.

  • What might you be asked?

    -Where you live who lives with you

    -They will ask if the baby has another parent present

    -If you have any other children or if you’ve been pregnant before

    -You will be asked about your drinking and smoking habits

    - They will enquiry about your physical and emotional health

    -Your family’s health will also become part of the questionnaire

    -You will be asked about domestic abuse and female genital mutilation

    -You will be asked if you work

    -You will be asked about the support village you have access to

  • You may also be offered some tests during this appointment:

    -Measurement of your height and weight (to calculate your BMI)

    -Blood Pressure

    -Urine tests

    -Blood Tests (HIV, Syphillis or Hepatitis B)

Remember, all tests and antenatal care in the UK are OPTIONAL. You can pick and choose what you need and want from you care.

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