3 ways to avoid a repeat unplanned c-section

If you are planning a vaginal birth after caesarean (VBAC), this blog post is worth a read.

First and foremost, vaginal births after caesarean births are a valid and safe option for the vast majority of the population.

To put it simply, there’s over a 99% chance that your birth will unfold without it compromising your scar.

So here are 3 things that we recommend our clients do in order achieve their VBAC:

  1. Understand your previous experience

    Having an independent birth debrief can help you understand why and how your birth unfolded in the way that it did.

    This is essential for you to be able to process your emotions and move forward with the planning of your next birth

  2. Work on any unresolved trauma and emotional road blocks

    You cannot build a positive mindset for birth on wobbly foundations. Finding help to allow the brain to have space positive feelings and thoughts about birth will help you immensely.

  3. Assemble your A-Team!

    We aren’t just talking about your birth team.

    Who’s supporting you during pregnancy, birth and beyond?

    Are they good advocates? Have they got your back? Can they help you understand your rights, risks and options?

Other important things to consider:

  • Having midwifery led care

  • Not being induced

  • Avoiding continuous monitoring

  • Having access to a birthing pool

  • Eating and drinking during labour

If you have been told that you can’t do some or all of the above, we need to chat! Get in touch with us over at www.newbirthclub.com

Lots of love,

Luiza & Ellie x


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