Don’t touch my vagina! Are vaginal examinations mandatory?
This isn’t a post about vaginal examinations… no, no..
This blog post is about your birth and huma rights!
Good news! You have full control over who puts their fingers in you va-jay-jay!
As a matter of fact, YOU have full control over every and anything in your pregnancy and birth!
The law is on your side! The Human Right Act 1998 applies to your rights in pregnancy and birth:
Article 2 protects your right to life
This means you can’t be denied medical care… yep… even when birthing outside of your hospital’s guidelines!
Article 3 prohibits inhuman or degrading treatment
This means that you should not be denied pain relief. This includes the use of a pool in labour
Article 8 protects the right to respect for private and family life
This means that you are able to choose where you are giving birth and who will be there to support you
Article 14 prohibits discrimination
This makes it unlawful for NHS organisations or individual caregivers within the NHS to discriminate against pregnant people on grounds such as disability, race, religion, immigration status and national origin.
You are in complete control but if you need help navigating your rights, we are here for you!
Get in touch today on and let’s start planning for your positive birthing experience.