2 questions to ask your midwife before choosing where to give birth
You are the decision maker!
It can often feel like we need to be told our options when it comes to having a baby…
But psssssst…. very rarely people are being told all of their options when it comes to their birth place options.
So here are two questions for you to ask your midwife or doctor that will help put YOU in the driving seat of your experience.
“What is this hospital’s induction rate?”
If you want to really dive a little deeper, you can even ask the following:
-How many inductions are happening due to people going over due?
-How many inductions are ending in caesarean or assisted births?
-A hospital’s induction rate says more about how and if they support birth physiology than they do about the population’s health
“Am I allowed to **insert thing you want to do**?
If their answer is:
-We will have to see/chat to the consultant
-Or anything else that implies they are allowed to not allow you
No one is ever allowed to not allow you!
If you need help to plan your positive birthing day, get in touch with New Birth Club!