The truth we want all pregnant women to know
It pains us to have to tell pregnant women this, but what we are about to share with you is so important.
One of the main focus and worry during pregnancy for a lot of people is “how on Earth am I meant to get this baby out?!” …. “it’s like a watermelon, isn’t it?!”
But the truth is that you’re worrying about the wrong thing…
You see, birthing a baby is really quite straightforward.
Yes, it may not be the easiest thing you’ve ever done or the most comfortable day of your life…. but birth is designed to be very straightforward for the vast majority of the population.
Do you want to know what the hardest thing is during pregnancy and birth?
If you are planning on a vaginal birth, the hardest thing you will have to do is navigate the maternity services system, its expectations, policies, guidelines and limitations.
We say this not to scare you, but to help you prepare.
The truth is that only 9-12% of policies and guidelines are based on quality evidence.
The truth is that the system holds unrealistic expectations for how a vaginal birth should develop and unfold.
The truth is that a lot of midwives feel like their hands are tied as the try so desperately to provide you with quality and personalised care.
We see physiological birth unfold more often than not, and it’s truly beautiful!
So yes, of course spend time learning about your body and birth … but don’t neglect spending time getting to know the system and its limitations.
Ask your trust for the monthly stats, ask them how many induction of labours are happening for post dates, ask them what their home birth transfer rates are, ask them if their midwife led unit is open and how many pools are available.
Plan your birth like you would plan the most important day of your life, because it is!
Thank you for coming to our #tedtalk
If you are looking for help as to how to realistically prepare for the journey ahead, look no further! All the information you need in HERE