Tell yourself how your birth will unfold!

Speak to any sportspeople and ask them about the power of visualisation!

Telling your brain that you’ve done something before can make that task feel 10x easier.

It may be cheesy but it comes down to that old saying “ Your body can do anything, it’s the brain/mind you’ve got to convince”

So try telling yourself how you want your labour to unfold! Be specific!
Where will you be? What will you be wearing? What can you smell, see, sense?!
Who will be with you and how do you want them to be towards you?

Say it out loud every morning or every night during pregnancy….. or do it twice a day! Pregnancy is mo time to be stingy!

Come on over to and tell us what your perfect birth scenario is.


Postpartum: Days 1-7


Delete your contraction timer!