Postpartum: Day 7-14
Everyone’s experiences of postpartum will be different. Some might feel they’ve got it all under control at this point. Some might still be in a sleepy haze and survival is the only goal!
Each & every response is NORMAL!
What we tend to see as doulas (& as mums who have been through this ourselves) is by week 2, the novelty of birth & having a baby begins to wear off.
Society has a lot to answer for in encouraging new parents to adjust, cope & get back to normal quick! This week we tend to see a lot of that pressure begin to seep in & contaminate the newborn bubble!
The adjustment you’re experiencing is huge! Not only are you functioning on less sleep, you’re experiencing a hormonal rollercoaster inside, you have less time to focus on yourself.
Your baby is going through it too!
Take things at your own pace. Your baby is still very new! Everything from days 1-7 remains the focus of your attention.
Keep growing with your babe, responding to them, finding your way.
Don’t push yourself too much with feeding. It’s still a brand new skill. Keep getting used to it & practice, practice, practice!
Make sure you practicing self love!
We tend to suggest to parents - spend most of your time ON the bed this week. If you don’t wanna stay in bed any longer & you wanna introduce a bit of mobility etc, fine! Stay mostly on the bed!
Keep your standards low - you don’t need to achieve anything but the above things.
You got this… but it ever feels like you don’t, come chat with us on