When do I call the midwife?
This is one of our Doula Frequently Asked Question:
“When should I call the midwife for my home birth?”
“When should I go into hospital?”
If you google these questions, you will soon realise that the general rule of thumb is:
Whenever you’re having 3 contractions in 10 minutes for at least one hour and when the contractions are lasting over a minute
Look, this is ok advice. Generally speaking, if this is happening for you, it’s likely that you are in active labour (whatever that may mean… but that’s a story for another blog post!)
The gals at New Birth Club do have an issue with this rule though….
The issue? Not everyone labours in the same way.
This rule completely disregards people’s individualities, needs and, once again, tells women and birthing people to not listen to their intuition.
Our top tip?
If you are having a home birth, call your midwives if and when you feel like you need them there or if you need something that you can only get from them (like Gas & Air or medical reassurance)
If you are having a hospital birth, transfer in when you feel like you need your medical care giver or any of the things that you can access in a hospital setting (like further pain relief)
Lastly, LISTEN TO YOUR BODIES! Your intuition never, EVER fails you!
Got more questions? Book an hour of power with New Birth Club. A whole hour to discuss you, your questions and your birth plans!